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DiaTea Combo 15

What’s in DiaTea Combo 15?

  1. DiaTea 100 gm. (Any flavor of your choice)
  2. Stevia Powder 25 gm
  3. 1 X 12 DiaTea Bags
Rs 274.00
Rs 245.00
Rs 29 (11%)
Cash on Delivery

Get 15 Days’ supply of DiaTea with Stevia at discounted rates.

What’s in DiaTea Combo 15?

  1. DiaTea 100 gm. (Any flavor of your choice)
  2. Stevia Powder 25 gm
  3. 1 X 12 DiaTea Bags

How much do I save?

  1. DiaTea 100 gm = 130
  2. Stevia Powder 25 gm = 60
  3. 1 X 12 DiaTea Bags = 59

Total: ₹ 249

DiaTea Combo 15: ₹ 222

You save: ₹ 27

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*Disclaimer: The results may vary from person to person, depending on age, sex, body weight and a lot of other factors.*